Sunday, February 05, 2006

Nick Cave, Jan 2006 @ Cambridge Corn Exchange

One of the most amazing musical experiences of my entire life - Nick Cave really does have to be seen to be believed. Looking like a country and western sheriff from the 1940s in his pin striped skinny fit suit and brown zipped boots, he had more stage presence than anyone I've ever seen before. He pounded the piano with all his might and controlled the crowd in their frenzied appreciation like a true pro. We were treated to the likes of Mercy Seat, The Lyre of Orpehus, Abbatoir Blues, Rock of Gibraltar, Red Right Hand but the finale in the second encore of Jack the Ripper totally blew me away. I've come to the conclusion that I could quite happily be entertained by Nick and his piano every day for the rest of my life and never be bored or any less stunned.